Set up to write. No point in reading through this. Write through it.
5 Minutes each node. Several nodes in each section. Go!
Rededication and final path may be sewn close together, this isn’t a computer game where you have to unlock the next secret to level up. In all lives mystery remains, to be seen to be discovered, uncovered, revealed, by the next group of characters. How many horror stories of teens exist where they are out for a fun weekend at the remote cabin where they by accident or accidentally on purpose unleash a hungry evil? As many as there are different audiences. Why do we watch? Because THESE characters may respond differently to this ancient threat. And therein lies the intrigue of that particular story.
What is Gained
So new life has rules to establish/discover and when they are embraced we have rededication which is picking ourselves up with the bruises worn as badges of honor and we may also gather close those around and move toward her goal. Our goal is to return to a new normal life.
Externally focused stories often play this section out as the here returns with the sword extracted from the rock, found in a cave, the jewel retrieved from the clutches of a dragon, the hand of the dead bad guy… Some may craft it to be seen in the form of an elixir, a scroll, a stolen spaceship, it’s an object that contains all the outward display of what has been won internally by our character.
Like Real Life
Mystery remains to be seen and/or discovered.
There are new rules to discover
– Shopping again
– Adjusted goals
– New comrades from earlier recruits and alliances. These new comrades are drawn closer for the coming journey
Did you write? I hope so. It is how books get written.
Great thing about these exercises is you can do them over and/or you can do them for 10, 15, 30 minutes.
Do them in a way that works for you.
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