Jerry Jaz


The one responsible.

Stuff He Does on Purpose

Jerry encourages people to write. Urges them to establish helpful writing habits and push past the many hurdles he has experienced as a struggling writer. What he’s learned about success and failure through his own work is translated into workable snippets that anyone can do. Small exercises that may be done anywhere at any time. Using the exercises builds a library of work. Boom! Look who’s writing!


Jerry credits Robert J Ray and Jack Remick with pistol-whipping his writing into shape. Over and over again. Their combined genius and generosity may be seen percolating in Bob And Jack’s Writing Blog.

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Mini Bio:

For 12 years Jerry has coordinated the Louisa’s writers group for Robert Ray and Jack Remick. He is a nationally certified Sustainable Building Advisor, an Accredited Practitioner with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), and the founder of (roadmap to writing your story). In a past life he was awarded best weekly column in a daily newspaper and successfully re-wrote part of the Nevada State constitution (to tax inmates) as he served almost 11 years for kidnapping and attempted bank robbery. Think twice if he offers you a ride home.


Bullets for Jerry

  • 1,900+ hours of writing in groups and workshops
  • Freed $23M for Nevada public schools by rewriting a section of the state constitution while incarcerated
  • 2007 Awarded National Certification, Sustainable Building Advisor from NaSBAP
  • Presenter at Real Conference 2000 main stage on interface design, marketing, privacy
  • Guest instructor for American Institute for Graphic Artists Link Program: Art Car Design and Production
  • Panel member for AIGA, ASMP, GAG, and SAF on negotiations, IP, and copyright
  • Seattle Central Community College Technical Advisory Committee (7 years)
  • Seattle Mayor’s Small Business of the Year nominee
  • Outstanding Small Business Award, American Lung Association
  • Gold Compass Award (community) and Compass Award (school), Art Institute of Seattle
  • Penned 75 weekly newspaper columns and won Best Weekly Columnist in the state, Nevada Press Association
  • 2009 Awarded LEED, AP in Building Design & New Construction

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